Free Meals 4 Students District Six will be providing free to-go meals for students on Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th, from 11am-1pm or while meals last. Click the article for more information.
D6 Schools to Remain Closed Oct 2-4 As we continue to recover from the effects of Tropical Storm Helene, District Six schools will remain closed for the remainder of the week.
Impact of Tropical Storm Helene - D6 Closed Monday & Tuesday Due to the impact and damages caused by Tropical Storm Helene, District Six will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, September 30 an October 1.
E-Learning Day Announced In light of the potential impact from Hurricane Helene, District Six will transition to E-Learning for Friday, September 27.
New District Six App Stay connected with District Six even when you’re on the go with our new district app.